A Taste of IVF Over 40

Cooking with Fresh Eggs (19dpo) – 2nd Beta Results

Posted on: Thursday, December 11, 2008

Well, I am very, very happy!

My second beta is 3375.  I am over the moon.  It has more than tripled in three days. Just quietly (v e r y quietly), I think you may be right about twins (especially you Andi)!  Let’s keep our fingers crossed.  I want twins so badly that I refuse to get excited about two babies … not enough certainty for that, not for me anyway.  Less than two weeks till the scan. 

Oh, and I forgot to mention that my spotting (12dpo) stopped after only two days.  I think it was because the label that the pharmacist put on the jar of progesterone pessaries covered the words “lie down for half an hour after insertion” … I’m probably getting the correct dose now (imagine a big ‘L’ over my forehead).

My niece is also over the moon.  We sent her a bunch of flowers and told her that she is our hero!

I know I lost the last little one at 12 weeks but I’m not dwelling on that.  The odds are with me and this is a time that is just plain full to the brim with excitement.  I want to cherish every day as a blessing and celebrate this fantastic opportunity. I have no time nor need for fear or worry.  I am pregnant and IT FEELS GREAT!

This really has been an arduous journey and so thank you to everyone who has helped me celebrate.  My scan is December 23rd … just in time for Christmas!

I got this fantastic idea from so many of you:

Melbagirl's Beta Levels ☼ YAY ☼

Melbagirl's Beta Levels ☼ YAY ☼

9 Responses to "Cooking with Fresh Eggs (19dpo) – 2nd Beta Results"

YAY! I am so excited for you!!! No need to buy you any Christmas presents this year! But maybe an extra special one for your niece, what a fantastic gift she has given you!

I know its hard not to think about what happened previously but the odds and the gods are certainly on your side this time. Awesome news!

Congratulations! I’m so excited for you. I’ve been following your blog for awhile now, but somehow missed your last two posts. What great news!!!

What an amazing time for you! Soak it all in and wallow in the excitement – you’ve earned it!

It’s so hard not to worry but I try to tell myself this pregnancy is nothing like the ones with my own eggs. These eggs are young and fresh and it’s just a whole other thing.

I am just thrilled for you.

Score beta #2!!! This would be awesome.


What wonderful news! Yes, remember that these are ‘young and fresh’ eggs and keep positive thoughts in your minds. What an amazing Christmas present.

Oh wow! You did all this without even lying down for the prescribed 1/2 hour aswell! Two strong little ones your have in there 😀 xo

Those are some incredible numbers! Definitely enjoy this time. So exciting!

Wow your beta so high . I guess you probaly have 2 or 3 in there now. Everybody here are so so happy for you..;-) A very good Christmas present to you and your family. Can’t wait to see more of your new updates, All the best wishes to you and your family. Good Luck.

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